Brilliant handset from Samsung

First thing that you notice when you look on this handset is how thin (screen size) Samsung Infuse 4G. And how impressively big screen, compare to others handsets. Screen takes whole front of handset. Front-facing camera, speaker, four Android buttons (touch sensitive) and light sensors, all holds by a small bottom and top bezel.

If you look on the right side of this phone you will see the power button and on the left size volume rocker. Smartphone also has a microUSB port that placed on the bottom of the smartphone. On the bottom of the cell phone also the microphone hole, but cancellation microphone hole and headphone jack are on top. The back has plastic peace which can be removed and beneath – slot for SIM card, place for microSD card and the 1750 mah battary. Battery life of this handset is a lot better than usual and provides more than a day of ordinary using.

One of the most impressive things of this phone is the camera sensor and software witch work together and greatly improves video recording. Samsung Infuse 4g has a 720p image capture and features an amazing function of auto-focus, when taking pictures and videos. Adjustment of focus is not instant, but quick enough to be useful. Pictures taking from the regular camera look better than video; cleaner and crisper. Also through the front-facing camera you can have a video chat with your friends staying centered on big beautiful display. And even here this smartphone has opportunity for improvement, to make video chatting more enjoyable. You will be also impressed by the quality of the call. Crystal clear sound from the speakerphone will surprise you and you also can forget about dropped calls.

Maybe solid AT&T’s network doesn’t surprise you but you definitely will like software and performance. This smartphone has Android version two point two and have a choice between three keyboards: Swype, Samsung’s own keyboard and the standard Android keyboard. Few Samsung applications have pre-installed along with AT&T-branded applications. At the first look browser is pretty standard but it offers a very useful brightness setting inside the application. The browser’s speed compared to other android phones this series little surprise you (in a good way). Performance of this cell phone is slightly better than such handset as Nexus. The phone is the best single-core handset on the market. It’s 1.2 GHz CPU keeps moving Android extremely fast. If compared to a dual-core CPU Infuse 4g is generally slower, but you don’t even know the difference if you never used a dual core handsets.

If you love big (thin and pocketable) display handsets you can’t miss this amazing Samsung Infuse 4g. The display looks brilliant and quite real, probably the best that you can find. So what conclusion, highly impressive display, the ability to gain faster mobile broadband, more space on the keyboard and fastest single core processor on the market. The Samsung Infuse 4G is must have for all who loves really large screen smartphones.

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