Posts Tagged ‘family’

The Investor’s Scoop On Book Value Vs Market Capitalization

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

The difference between book and market capitalization and how it is calculated is a matter I’ve addressed elsewhere. Space constraints prevent repeating the explanation at any length.

It’s enough for our purposes, here, to observe that book value is a company’s assessment of its own equity: determined by subtracting the value of total liabilities from the value of total assets. The value of that equity though is determined differently on the market: it generally responds to the shifts in demand, since it is rare for new shares to be issued. (Further detail on how these values are calculated can be found through the link at the end of this article.)

The book value of the company will be a more stable price. However, if it is subject to sound accounting practices, it too will change with the passage of time. An obvious example would be in the case of the depreciation of infrastructure. Stock market prices, though, as we all know, do not reflect such stability or orderly gradated adjustment. Instead, they fluctuate – and often far and fast.

Discussion of this constant movement of stock prices will have to wait for another occasion. Here we only want to understand the reason for the discrepancies between book and market capitalization and the relevance of that difference to investing.

Putting those reasons aside, just briefly, the basic principle involved is simply that the market – by which, of course, we mean the buyers and sellers of companies’ shares, through constant bid-ask operations – hits upon prices disputing the equity value that the company assigns its own capitalization.

The difference may be of course either more or less than book value. The potential reasons for the discrepancy may be any of many. It can be as simple a matter as brand recognition and estimation. Should a particular brand have a high enough cache or reputation with the relevant consumer base, virtually identical products may be differently valued in the market, allowing the stronger brand to successfully charge more.

If this results in consumers willing to pay a brand premium for the product, capital otherwise hardly distinguishable from competitors effectively becomes more valuable. In such situations, obviously, there is no dispute about the literal book value of the company’s assets. Nonetheless, though, further considerations may lead share traders to value the shares more than suggested by the book value.

Many discrepancies, however, are indeed a function of markets disagreeing with the stated book value of a company’s assets. An example would be the situation in which a company’s assets include undeveloped land. If the market, and the company’s accountants, has valued the assets at prevailing real estate rates a potentially dramatic divergence of value could result if enough share traders re-evaluate the land. Say, for instance, they become convinced that the region in question is poised for a major real estate boom. At that point traders may now consider the land a significantly undervalued asset on the company’s books.

Recognizing such undervalued shares sufficiently in advance is a means to great profits. Those who have early enough recognized the situation bid on the company’s shares in great numbers. The more shares one can purchase at the undervalued price the more total profit one stands to make whether the long term intent is to resell at the higher price or collect the increased dividends expected. In the process, of course, this raised demand for the shares pushes up their price. The resulting market capitalization value is thus increased considerably over the book value.

It can likewise work the other way around. If the company is in a business which a large enough number of share traders become convinced will soon be subject to new, onerous regulation that will entail massive compliance costs, their conclusions could be that the company’s book value of its equity insufficiently accounts for its actual liabilities. The shares are considered overpriced and shareholders start lowering prices to unload them and cut their losses.

As we’ve seen, then, numerous potential reasons may lie behind the discrepancy between book and market value. In all cases, though, this discrepancy reflects the judgment of a large-enough number of traders that the company’s actual value is not accurately reflected in its book value. For the successful investor, early recognition of such a situation and sound assessment of its validity is the key to successful investment strategy, leveraging market capitalization against book value.

The illustrations above provide plenty of different manners in which diverse skills and insights can aid in such leveraging: e.g., familiarity with the real estate market, the government’s legislative agenda or popular taste. Possessing insight into any of these matters, or numerous others, can provide the opportunity to benefit from a book value that inadequately appreciates the true or immanent value of a company’s equity. When you discover such a discrepancy the opportunity for profitable investment – whether under or overvalued – is available.

It is in this way that knowledge of the difference between book value and the market capitalization unlocks vital investment opportunities. If this discussion presumes knowledge about market capitalization with which you don’t feel quite up to speed, I’d suggest having a look at my What is Market Capitalization article.

Investors who want to leverage profits from mistakenly valued book equity need to follow all the hottest tips at the Market Capitalization blog. Wallace Eddington is an insightful commentator on markets and finance. His recent article on fiat currency and inflation is a must read for those looking to make sound monetary investments.

How To Select A Home Security Systems Firm

Friday, January 18th, 2013

For many homeowners the presence of home security systems provides the necessary protection to the house and belongings, family from possible external attacks by intruders. However, due diligence has to be taken into consideration to ensure that the company that will install the system is the right one. Below are just a few of the things that you should take into consideration as you shop around for a reputable alarm company.

Make sure to choose that has experiences spanning over a ten years and have a name that is common among a number of households as well as businesses. The best way to do this is by looking around town for that sticker that announces the company that has done installations in a number of establishments. This will give you a clear picture that the firm has come to be known for their quality installation in town.

Another thing you should look into is whether the company offers guarantees for the services, products, and installations. Confirm that the guarantee lasts at the very minimum twelve months, as you will get good time to assess the products installed in the house. Look for the firms that are willing to stand behind their products instead of choosing those that do not have such standing.

At times, you may require changing houses due to a new job or other circumstances that will also see you move with all your property. In such a scenario, you should get a firm that can remove the system in your current residence to the new one free. In most cases, this is only possible as long as you have a continuing contract with them especially when it comes to one that includes remote monitoring.

Do not underestimate the firm that has a monitoring system that is online all through the day and night. Such a product ensures that your premise is safe even when you decide to go on holiday. It works by alerting the firm who will then confirm if indeed it was an intrusion after which, they get in touch with the law enforcement officers in your locality.

Select a firm that is willing to install extra products like those that monitor for carbon monoxide and fire for addition protection. The costs related to these extra products, in most cases are minimal and will not see you hurt your budget in a big way. The system works by sending remote message to the monitoring call center who then notifies the local fire department.

Although no home security systems can be said to be a hundred per cent, you should use the tips above to get a firm with a solid background. It is vital that a firm should be in a position to offer customized products that meet your specifications and lifestyle. The Better Business Bureau is a good source of information especially when looking for any complaints filed.

If you find this article interesting, you can learn more about home security systems at For more on the topic you can read home security system issues.

A Look At Green Energy Solar Powered Homes

Sunday, November 11th, 2012

Most of us don’t have the budget for a large-scale solar installation, and these systems are generally not very cost effective yet. If you live in an apartment, then you are definitely out of luck; not only are you unable to add solar panels outside of your apartment, but you also have no control over many of the appliances inside the apartment, which means that management can fill your apartment with energy hogging appliances and there is little you can do to stop them. There is hope for those wishing they could go a little greener, however. There are many devices entering the market that have self-contained solar power units, many of which will also charge using inside lights or streetlamps.

The smallest unit of solar electricity generation is a solar cell. These are small wafers of silicon and generate about as much power as a flashlight battery. While not very useful on their own they can easily be joined together to generate more power. To put this into numerical terms, each solar cell produces one to two watts (W) of electricity. If you are reading this on a laptop, it will consume around 100 watts, so you need to wire 50 to 100 cells together just to run one item. Of course, the sun isn’t always shining, so you will need even more cells to charge a battery that can power your laptop when it’s nighttime or on cloudy days.

Place power usage meters in all of the outlets in your home. While this may seem a little much, these meters will tell you how much each item in your home is drawing in terms of power. This will make you more aware of ghost electronic items that draw a lot of energy even when they are not on. This will make you more aware as how to save energy each month. This is a wonderful way to increase your energy savings and help you get the most out of the energy that you generate through your new solar panels.

Can I buy solar panels anywhere? – Most electronics stores and garden or home improvement stores or will stock solar powered goods at the very least; find the right store and they will sell everything you need. If you don’t know what you’re doing with electronics it is highly advisable that you seek professional guidance, and a quick search on the Internet or a flick through your phone book will find several distributors and fitters of PV tiles and grid tie systems.

Get your property inspected by an expert. Solar panels will work well in a sunny area; you might have to cut down some trees to improve the exposure of your roof or yard. Find the best location possible for your solar panels and assess your energy needs carefully. There are a few things you can do to reduce your energy consumption, such as switching to sustainable light bulbs, using skylight tubes to get natural sunlight and making a conscious effort to turn off the lights and appliances you do not use.

Systems that generate energy from the sun can create a tranquil home environment, due to their silent and efficient operation. They also do not create harmful emissions that damage the environment, leaving you with a feeling of contribution to the larger scheme of things.

Make sure you check out the new technologies available to you. The solar energy industry is fairly new as far as the current market trend. Therefore, you need to make sure you consistently look for new options as you continue to learn more about solar energy and plan your house accordingly.

Many people are switching over to solar energy as a means to save money and give back to the environment. Solar energy is clean renewable energy and can be a great alternative to traditional means of getting the energy you need to power your home. Hopefully this article has given you a better idea of some of the positive as well as negative aspects of making the switch to solar energy.

If you want to install solar panels yourself, you have to be fully equipped with all the information you need. So before you start planning your DIY Solar Power System Project, Click Here for more detailed tips about Solar Power Benefits and Disadvantages.

Speedy Secrets For Water Heaters – An Introduction

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

One of the goods that cannot be taken for granted any longer are the water heaters. The fact that water heaters use two ingredients quite important to many people, water and energy has also played a huge role in this. Water heaters are important in helping people enjoy their lives better knowing that the cold weather or water will not cause them much harm as they get to maximize the use of these items in their lives.

It’s a fact that although the popularity of water heaters appears to be on the increase, the perception of most people is yet to change. Awhile back people used to associate water heaters with huge financial endowments and this made them wary of having such lavish lifestyles. However, with increased spending power many people are now able to afford the same water heaters which they used to associate with the high and mighty.

Information about water heaters on the other hand, provide a timely reminder that in the process of warming or heating water, most people end up paying more in energy costs. A figure of 25% has been categorically claimed as the amount of energy utilized in the house by most people for water heating. One can confidently assume that water heaters are too important to be neglected or pushed behind everything else yet utilize these huge quantities of energy daily, monthly or yearly.

Just as is the case with many other technological advancements water heaters have brought great assistance into many homes. Some chores which used to be difficult to perform are now relatively easier all because of the addition of water heaters. The fact that it saves greatly in terms of time means that one does not get unnecessarily delayed while waiting for the water to be heated for use.

Water heaters are simply either referred to as tank or tankless. Each category has its own unique features and benefits. The greatest variance between the two categories is first to do with costs of acquiring one and the period required for it to be replaced with a newer one. Tank water heaters require relatively little in terms of finances to acquire but last for a relatively shorter time. This is reverse for tankless water heaters.

There are two foremost sources of energy which power the water heaters, namely gas and electric. Each one has its own advantages and downside though the most obvious difference between electric-powered and gas-powered water heaters is in the area of expenses. The electric water heaters are a bit more expensive to maintain compared to gas water heaters. For those who don’t mind the cost factor, the choice is theirs to make.

However clean water heaters may seem, it is best to ensure that the inward surroundings are always kept fresh. The best way of doing this successfully is to carry out frequent emptying exercises from time to time. This rids the water heaters of any pollutants that may be inside which pose a health risk to those using them. All of the above and much more, form just a portion of water heaters information.

Are you looking for a nice machine which will help you with heating water? You came to the perfect place! Visit this site for the fantastic machines and reviews which you need or you can also see: Eccotemp L5 Portable TanklessWater Heater Review

Information On Portable Air Conditioners

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

Air conditioning is the state of heat regulation in an area so that people can stay comfortably. This is normally done by the help of appliances known as air conditioners. These appliances can be found in two types, fixed air conditioners and portable air conditioners.

Portable air conditioners are also known to posses a specific characteristic. They are devices that do not need any support from a surface in order for them to function properly. Portable air conditioners are known to be independent appliances which can stand on their own. Their main objective is to ensure that a room has fresh air so that its occupants can be in a completely comfortable state.

Some of the outstanding qualities found on a portable air conditioner include the fact that some of them come with great features such as; they have gadgets that can cool an area at multiple cooling speeds, some are timed to function at specific times automatically, some have a couple modes of operating, and others have remote controls.

Portable air conditioners have their own advantages. They are a cheap way of making people relax especially if it is in a work setting. The workers are able to produce many yields because of the peaceful state of mind that comes with the ability of having fresh air in room, thus providing an environment that is conducive for work. This also lowers the chances of spreading any air borne disease in the area.

Portable air conditioners are very efficient because they are easy to set up. Unlike fixed air conditioners which require someone who is experienced to come and fix it in your facility, portable air conditioners are usually just placed at a convenient spot. As long as it is placed facing the right direction, it can offer a cool breeze all around the room.

In the beginning, portable air conditioners were known to cool just a small portion of the room. This has widely changed as they are manufactured to provide a cool breeze even in widely spaced rooms. This is because they have been made with power devices that can cool wide areas due to their power.

Owing to the fact that portable air conditioners can easily be carried from on room to another, one has to ensure that certain conditions are met before going home with that particular air conditioner. The shape and size of the air conditioner really matter. Therefore it is important to pick an air conditioner that is easier to carry around but large enough to perform it function.

Most modern air conditioners are known for their multipurpose characteristic. This is especially experienced when the temperatures fall. If one is in possession of such an air conditioner, then they don’t have to go and get a heater to heat up their room, all that is required is to switch on the air conditioner and set it to provide heat to the room. This has been a very effective way of ensuring that one lives at comfort whether in the hot humid seasons and in the cold seasons as well.

Browsing for information with regards to portable air condition? Click Here for the answers you need. You may also check: Review on Whynter 14,000 BTU Dual Hose Portable Air Conditioner