Posts Tagged ‘webinar’

Using Webinars to Get Better Results

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

If you have utilized webinars before without good results, you might have made some very traditional errors. There might be other things that are hindering your success.

Advance preparation is the best thing for your webinars even if you are convinced that you have everything in your head and are ready to start talking. If this is the first time you’ll be working on a particular topic you should write it out and even practice it a little bit. Honestly, you don’t ever want to be lacking for something to say or a direction in which to take your talk. You don’t want your talk to just be filler, you want your presentation to be lean and mean. You should understand your most important points as well as the things you want people to get through their heads. Write out some drafts for this and then create a concise outline of the things that you want to talk about. You can follow along with the outline, but just make sure that people do not hear you ruffling papers. A lot of marketers who do webinars understand that they need have some sort of visual representation. Usually these will be slides that your audience can read to get extra information. Also, it is a little boring when all people can do is listen without seeing anything. But there are do’s and don’ts with your slide presentation such as organization. Don’t put a bunch of information on just one slide because that will get in the way of your readers’ comprehension. Don’t forget that in addition to listening to you your audience will be reading your slides too.

It is fine to be relaxed and informal when you are giving your webinars, and you should be, but you should not go too far. You do not, for example, want to be talking to your audience the way that you talk to your friends. Don’t, for example, use language that most people would find offensive because you might turn off the majority of your audience. Use words, don’t let sounds substitute. Naturally it is depending upon the audience that attends your webinars; some will be more forgiving than others will. So you have to plan this around who you are marketing to and their general likes and dislikes. Most people who conduct webinars understand the importance of visual representation. Most of the time this will happen as a set of slides that offer supporting data your audience can read. Also, it can get a little boring when the only thing they can do is listen with no visuals. But there are definite do’s and don’ts for your visuals, like with your organization. Limit the amount of information you include on a slide because it can really get in the way of your readers’ comprehension. Don’t forget that in addition to listening to you your audience will be reading your slides too.

When you conduct a webinar, don’t stress out because it will help with your communication skills. There was a time in which I was in the audience of a guy who was giving his first webinar.

It’s okay to feel good about wanting to build your business with webinars. Best of all, they don’t require you to have an existing marketing list. You can put one together as a joint venture or simply use basic advertising and promotional methods to let people know its there. Marketing lists can be helpful though because then all you need is a tiny bit more information from the people who are on it.

Watch my webinar service video to discover an awesome service that you may consider for your webinar presentations.